Ultra Sports Science

Expedition: Meawan, Stress management
Sport / Business

An extreme
at the service
of the company

Expéditions et recherche médicale

What if our well-being contributed to the success of the company? icone Maewam logo

Well-being and quality of life at work are now part of the imperatives of all companies. The Maewan project makes it possible to study stress and fatigue by creating a parallel between the skipper on his boat in extreme conditions and the project manager (from the Mobility company) in stressful situations on a daily basis.

When ultra-sport provides a better understanding of the impact of the well-being factor in business.

We participate in this research
program in natural environments
to better understand stress in business.

Our medical research

1. What are the factors of fatigue during a maritime sailing expedition?

  • Study: Study of the factors inducing fatigue during a maritime sailing adventure
  • Sporting universe: Sailing expedition & Company
  • Who: Université Littoral Côte d'Opale, URePS Rémy Hurdiel Phd
  • Partners: Mobility, Dokever, Petzl
  • Donating companies: Dokever & Health Bib
  • Study in progress, started in 2019
PDFBilan Final MAEWAN (FR)

PDFLivre Blanc MAEWAN (FR)

PDFAricle scientifique (EN)

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Maewan Maewan Maewan Maewan Maewan Maewan Maewan

Our medical research

2. Crossing the Atlantic in Stand up paddle.

  • Study: Sleep, psychological and physiological factors during a transatlantic paddle-board of 2800 nautical miles.
  • Sports universe: Sea expedition
  • Who: Littoral University of Opal Coast, URePS Rémy Hurdiel Phd
  • Study started in 2015 stopped because the boat returned.

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