Ultra Sports Science

Acute renal failure & Rhabdomyolysis
Our actions & our advice

The kidneys
and muscles
are essential
for sports.

La mort subite du sportif, Ultra sports science, ultra-endurance, fondation

The muscle produces waste and the kidney eliminates it. The destruction of muscle can clog the kidneys. Without the kidneys the body quickly stops working icone ultra-endurance santé

Understanding the interactions between these two organs is necessary. The kidneys can almost shut down without causing symptoms, and life is at risk. You have to be aware of that. In addition, it is necessary to advance medical research to better warn you of the dangers.

We finance medical studies
dedicated to this problem in sport
to better prevent & act.

Our medical research

Acute renal failure

  • Study: Acute kidney injury in trail running
  • Acute renal failure (AKI) is generally observed after ultra races, with a prevalence of up to 80%. Severe cases are rare, but they do happen. What does this mean for the runner? Can he continue to run in the future?
  • Sport universe: Trail-running
  • Who: Volker Scheer, Ultra Sports Science Foundation
  • Donating companies: Ultra Sports science
  • Study in progress
PDFArticle PDF (EN)

Education / Our advice

Athletes & Coaches

Kidney damage is common and often unknown. Risk factors can include heat stress, dehydration, latent myopathy, ingestion of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and infection. Be aware!

PDFOur Tips & Recommendations (EN)

PDFUltra-Health Guidline (EN)

Event Organizers & Health Professionals

Think of acute kidney damage, especially when not urinating and having swelling of the body.

PDFOur Tips & Recommendations (EN)

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conseils sportif hydratation

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